description: |
In the Brocade workshop ST108-EN SANnav 2.3/2.4x Installation und Administration you will learn how to manage Brocade FC SANs with Brocade SANnav.

target group: |
This Brocade course is designed for SAN administrators and operators involved in configuring, maintaining, operating, troubleshooting, and optimizing SANs with Brocade switches.

requirements: |
Deeper knowledge of Brocade FC switches is required.
In order to follow the pace and content of the ST108-EN SANnav 2.3/2.4x Installation and Administration workshop, we recommend attending the following Brocade training courses in advance:
The participants must be familiar with the concepts of a Fabric, ISLs, Zoning as well as FOS. In addition, knowledge in handling command line interfaces and GUIs is required.

objectives: |
The goal is to learn how to use SANnav Management Portal or SANnav Global View as tools for managing storage area networks.

price and duration: |
duration: 4 days price: 3390,- Euro + VAT
You can find the print view here.

dates: |
Will be scheduled on request Please let us know here, when you prefer to have this workshop!
agenda: |
- Brocade SANnav Product Family Overview
- Changes / News in SANnav 2.3/2.4x
- Changed installation/upgrade
- New operating concept
- Changes in zoning
- New concept for MAPS guidelines
- Changed switch and FOS support
- etc.
- Licensing
- Installation and configuration of a SANnav environment in theory and practice
- Upgrade of SANnav
- User management
- Zoning with SANnav
- Device and switch performance analysis
- Firmware Management
- Fabric Management and Monitoring
- Health Score Calculation
- Event management
- Call Home Support
- Configuration of MAPS and Flow Vision
- Switch/Fabric Backup and Restore
- SANnav Server Backup and Restore
- Integration of servers
- Integration of storage
- Integration of SANnav in 3rd party products (e.g. VMware vCenter)
- Collect support information
- SANnav Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Features
- FC Routing (FCR, LSAN)
- Utility Scripts
- Overview Rest-API
- Migration from Brocade Network Advisor to SANnav Management Portal
- The following topics will not be discussed: FICON-, FCoE- and FCIP-Management.